Thursday, August 30, 2007

And the difference is...

Here at home, I still:
  • have to work to find things to fill my time
  • eat piles of fruit
  • play piano out of boredom
  • get onto the computer entirely too often
  • wake up early because I've gone to bed early out of boredom
But, there are some major differences:
  • I don't have to deal with the boys' father
  • I don't have to see the boys' father
  • I don't have to talk to the boys' father
  • I don't sweat as soon as I step outside
  • I don't need aircon
  • I have a real room, and I can actually use blankets
By the far, the best thing about being home is not getting yelled at for eating whatever food is available, and it's so nice to raid my mom's stores because she's also an organic/health food freak. The other absolutely fantastic part of being home is being able to hang out with my cat, whom I love dearly and haven't actually been able to spend much time with since I had to take him home from Austria at Easter.

I'm already hard at work on finding a job, and I have an interview at a legal staffing agency on Tuesday in Seattle. Thankfully, I'm on a bus line to the ferry, so I can still get by with not having a car, something for which I am duly thankful. I hate driving, and had no special fondness for thinking of how annoying it would be to have to get back into the American consumptive way of life. Now I don't have to. The Port Orchard library is right next to the foot ferry dock, so I'll get in lots of reading, I do believe. :) I have a feeling this new stage in my life will be much more fulfilling and much better for me, in terms of personal well-being, than the past two months have been.


Karlyn said...

I'am so happy for you. I love the picture of Ceaser. We had to leave Wheezy at home and both Tom and I miss her so much! She may be a little psychotic but she's our kitty!

Rachel said...

oh, that's too bad. Maybe you can bring her back when you find a better place to live, when you know the area better? I have missed Caesar so much these last few months, and this morning, he woke me up by jumping on my chest and licking my face again. So sweet! :)

Eggman Studios said...

Ahhhhh... :) Cats are the best. Welcome back!!

Rachel said...

thanks! what are you doing tomorrow?