Friday, January 18, 2008

Hat Week!! Day 5 - Round brim hat

And thus, it ends - this is the last day of hat week. I'm thinking this is a good indication that I need to go shopping for new hats. :)

I bought this hat when I went to Chicago for my cousin Martha's wedding in 2003. My cousin Christina bought the leopard print version - I, being more boring, bought black. I like this hat second best after my beret. It has the benefit of making even very bad hair days good.


Trust in Steel said...

Quite the hat motif!

Rachel said...

this is what happens when a) people run out of ideas for blog posts and b) I work too much and my brain turns into mush running out my ears. :)

another kind of nerd said...

I'd just like to point out that on hat day #3 you adopt a "why yes, I'm a spy, why do you ask?" look that is incongruent with the hat... a decidedly un-spylike hat.

Of course, that is why you are, in fact, a successful spy.

Rachel said...

yes, that is a decidedly un-spylike hat... therein lies the secret of its success. :D That's too funny! Have to do something to make that hat palatable. I think I ought to just give it away to someone who can actually carry off a hat as dramatic and large as that one. :D