Saturday, September 22, 2007

Costco processing

I have a Costco card for one reason and one reason only - I have a film camera, and I LOVE their processing (I also like getting Odwalla Superfood at $3 cheaper per jug). The Costco in Silverdale now does everything in house, so things are even better than they use to be now. It's also the cheapest place around to get some pretty decent prints of photos. Since I have elected to remain with my film camera, low costs for development are absolutely essential. It does make me feel somewhat better to know that the cost of prints for digital photos is the same as for film (I just have to pay extra for the processing). I have also begun to get the CD of my photos, which is vastly preferable to scanning if one has the money, and the quality is so much better than I expected! I'm very pleased with the investment I made. I have probably, since I take so many photos, balanced out the price difference between the film and digital versions of my camera at this point. But it's still fun to hear the film advancing and the shutter opening and closing and all that. Here's my favorite picture I've ever taken:


Eggman Studios said...

Awesome photo!! Very cool.

Agree 100% about Costco for film/digi prints. Back in college my photo prof always told us to get our digital prints at Costco because they have better printers than the little mom & pop shops (and mega cheap too). For digital printing, you can download printer profiles for the exact printer your Costco store is using to be sure that your prints are prime matches to your files (always a problem with digital printing). I love it! And for less than $5 for an 11x17" print, you can't find better prices.

Actually, I'm fairly certain that Costco loses money in their photo processing & printing deptartment with prices THAT low--with the idea being of course, while you're waiting 1 hour for prints, you almost have no choice but to trek through the store and look at other stuff you could buy. Smart marketing, really. :)

Rachel said...

And it always works. Whenever I go, I always pick up some fruit and veggies (love the big bags) and apple cider and superfood. So, it works. :) I didn't realize that big prints were that cheap - when I got prints in Eugene, they were significantly more expensive, about $9 for an 8x5". Good deal - since I'm doing pictures for Christmas. :)