Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Trip to India - Entry 9 - Deutsche Welle

Our flight was cancelled due to a pilot’s strike. Apparently, this strike has affected thousands of travelers. However, we have apparently gotten a new flight causing us to leave only a half hour later.

I am using the time to relax a bit and watch some BBC and DW. Well, mostly DW. One thing I love about traveling anywhere outside of the US is the ready availability of German language TV which simply isn’t available without spending a lot or Netflixing everything in the US. The BBC, I changed fairly quickly because it was quite depressing, talking about how an increase in energy consumption as we come out of the recession could have a severe correcting effect which causes the world to drop into a true depression as oil exceeds $100/barrel.

So I switched to DW and am watching Projekt Zukunft (Project Future) and the first topic…. was about harvesting oil from plastic trash to prepare for the future expected extreme price of oil. One simply can’t escape.

So, this of course, reminds me that we took two very long flights to get here, will take two very long flights to get back, and we’re flying between New Delhi, Mumbai, Goa, and Bangalore here in India… thus helping to contribute to the worldwide usage of oil. One simply can’t win.

But hey…. At least I get to watch some interesting German language TV in the meantime.

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