Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Joy of Flying

Flight #1: 7:35am from Vienna to Frankfurt, with Air Berlin aka Niki. We got sandwiches - and not too shabby ones - for an hour long flight. Everything went well, was really professional, and the time sped by.

Flight #2: 11:20am from Frankfurt to Atlanta, with Delta on standby. Because I thought it would save me money to go on standby with an employee ticket (thanks A.!), I chose this option. Turns out that's not the best possible plan when it's spring break in the US and holy week (meaning spring break with Catholic/Lutheran overtones) in Europe. After carting my stuff all over the airport (Delta busted off the wheels on my wheely bag on the way to Austria, so I had to use one of those stupid carts - not exactly the most user friendly devices ever), got to sit and wait at the gate, only to watch the plane leave.

Flight #3: 11:35am from Frankfurt to Cincinnati with Delta standby. Because the first flight was delayed, so was the second. But, I didn't make it onto this one either. One flight left out of Europe for the day.

Flight #4: 12:05pm from Frankfurt to JFK with Delta standby. Got the last ticket available for the flight to JFK. As I arrived at my seat, I saw, to my horror, a baby in the seat next to me. Somewhere, I was sure, God was laughing at me. A lot. Thankfully, it turns out the baby was actually sitting directly behind me, not next to me. Small miracles. Time Caesar has been stuck in his little bag thus far - 7 hours.

Flight #5: 4:40pm from JFK to Seattle with Delta standby. Nice and warm in this part of the airport - mainly because there are so many people. Everyone has crowded around the gates because both flights in this area, San Francisco and Seattle, are overbooked. The gate attendant keeps asking for volunteers to wait to fly until tomorrow for 'Delta dollars.' Time Caesar has been stuck in his little bag thus far - 17 hours.

Flight #6: 7:05 from JFK to Seattle with Delta standby. My feet hurt. I was supposed to be available for economy or first class, so I had to wear nice shoes. They hurt. I bought two New York t-shirts. I figured I may as well, since I've never been to New York before. I see, not particularly surprised, that I have not been cleared for this flight either. Barring unfortunate circumstances for some other passengers, Caesar and I will have to find a hotel for the night. Time Caesar has been stuck in his little bag thus far - 21 hours.

Flight #7: 8:00am from JFK to Seattle with Delta standby. Full flight. Last night - $130 for myself and the cat, cheapest that could be found according to the hotel reservations lady. I'm just glad I didn't see any bugs in the room and things looked reasonably clean. The driver asked me which airline I was flying with in Spanish. The other passenger had to translate for me. I didn't expect to feel the same way I usually feel in Austria - not understanding what's going on around me - in my own country. Maybe I should have taken Spanish in high school. Caesar is now more unhappy than ever since he was able to experience the relative freedom of the hotel room last night, and now REALLY hates his bag.

Seatac To-Do list:
  • take Caesar to the Pet Area to do his business (he didn't, too scared)
  • report my lost luggage
  • try to call my mom, and see if she actually came to pick me up since I hadn't been able to confirm the morning's flight

Am now at home, deeply grateful that I actually made it here. It took about 41 hours to get from my house in Vienna to my mom's house in Port Orchard. It took my mom 16 when she flew at Christmas with Northwest. AND she had a free first class ticket. Now that's what I call traveling.

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