Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I watched the new Diane Lane/Ben Affleck/Adrien Brody flick tonight. I think I've watched more movies in the last few weeks than I have in the last two years.

It was alright, Ben Affleck was alright. The movie left me feeling slightly confused and headachy, although that may have to do with the fact that I was tired when I went in. Basically it's about George Reeves (first Superman) and his suicide - the circumstances, the people involved, and especially about the P.I. who investigates the death. Good performances, all around, but still a somewhat oddball movie.

Critics seem to be a little underwhelmed as well, with a B rating - still a good rating, but it seems they left the movie feeling much as I did. There were a lot of good performances in the movie, but it just seemed to lack something. If you have nothing better to do in about six months, rent the movie, but it's not the kind of movie that one must needs see in the theater. Do expect to see both Affleck and Lane continue to receive praise for their performances as individuals, but don't expect to see much for the movie as a whole.


Reel Fanatic said...

I think I had much the same reaction to this one as you did ... I thought Ben and Diane were very good, but the other half of the movie, where they investigated the possibilities surrounding Reeves' death, also just left me with a headache

Rachel said...

I read one review that said that it was that Adrien Brody's character was just so hard to like, but I think it's because the flashback time sequences are just too confusing when combined with Brody's character's personal problems. Hence the headache... thanks for the input