Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sweet, blessed, gray drizzle....

I have been dreadfully remiss in keeping up on my blog, but it's not exactly my fault. The University of Oregon cuts off free internet sometime in mid-July for graduates, and thus I lost my portal to the outside world. Currently, I am stealing someone's wireless access. I'm not really sure whose, since it seems I am one of the few people still living in Westmoreland. The dumpster outside of my apartment is filled with drawers from the empty apartments. Looks like they're doing a complete rehab of the units here. It's about time...

Packing is ever and always a joy - the only benefit is that I can use this opportunity to get rid of stuff. Do you ever feel as though your possessions force you to take actions you'd otherwise never take? I've been agonizing over whether or not to sell my car because I would have to eat the loss of a couple hundred dollars. At this point, considering how much I owe the consolidation company that took over my student loans, a couple hundred dollars makes very little difference, so why am I stressing? I think I'm going to sell it, if only to save myself the frustration of attempting to make car payments and pay insurance from an Austrian bank.

Kudos to Chris and Becky for making it safely into California, especially for passing the smog emissions test! Personally, I can't wait to head north again. I helped my mom move from the armpit that is Hermiston back to where we grew up on the Kitsap Peninsula, and I almost choked up when I saw the gray clouds roll in and the rain started falling. God save me from climates where there's more than two months of sun in a year...

Austria is hot in the summer, but I won't be there. I'll be there for the temperate fall, the cold rainy winter, and I have no idea what spring is like, but I'm looking forward to finding out. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will totally miss the rain. Congrats on moving back to it. :]
