Sunday, August 13, 2006

38 days and counting...

I have roommates! Whee! I've been searching for the past three months for places to live in Vienna or the surrounding area and having been batting zero. Today, that changed when someone from Georgetown read my craigslist ad for roommates wanted. The new apartment will be more than three times larger than my current apartment, and since the current apartment is approximately the size of a shoebox, that should be pretty awesome.

I'm finding that I'm enjoying this part of the packing process more than the past few weeks (yes, I'm packing very slowly, it's better than waiting until the last minute like I usually do). Right now, I'm in the pack big boxes full of stuff to take to donate to charity. It's quite nice to just watch all that stuff going away. Too much stuff turns you into one of the hoarding people who can't let go of the shirt they bought last year because they might get around to mending those busted off buttons. Well, I'm fully aware that I'm much too lazy to do something like that, so into the bin it goes! It's rather a gleeful process.

38 days until I leave. It's easier to count by months and weeks right now - it seems shorter. A month and a week until I board a plane to Austria! And to help pass the time: a cruise to Alaska with my mom during September. I'm so totally looking forward to this next year. It's going to be so awesome that nothing could possibly top it. And I think that I deserve it after this last year. Course, I also think I deserve a million bucks. :)

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