Thursday, July 13, 2006

Die, evil tutor!

The boys finally won. They've been trying to get rid of their tutor basically since they started going to her a year and a half ago. A. once asked when she was going to die, and that she hoped it would be soon (she's quite old, retired a number of years ago). Today, they finally convinced their mother that she was a mean old bat. Among other things, they think she looks rather gargoyle-like. Last year, A. absolutely refused to go, and I ended up carrying him to her door. Not the most positive of learning environments.

Well, they could bring out the angst in anyone. While they are sweet, wonderful boys MOST of the time, when it comes to doing any sort of work, suddenly the brains they had when discussing Star Wars or Greek myths (I got them hooked) completely disappear. Their focus is gone, and suddenly, five minutes after 4:55 is not 5:00, it is 7:10. Don't ask me where that came from, I think he just wanted to put an answer on the paper. Anyway, until they start with their next tutor - and after, since I'm the home enforcer - I get to make sure that even when they lose their concentration, they can still read a digital clock.

Did I mention that having children keeps getting lower and lower on my list of things to do in life? I want girls when I do have children; they're much less work.

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