Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back to work....

So, I worked from May 19th (when I got back from Austria) every day until this last Thursday. Then I took Friday and Saturday (my usual weekend) off. It was wondrous. I was pretty exhausted, so I didn't end up doing much, but it was lovely not to be working.

Now, I'm back. And with a bigger and badder backlog than ever. The only good thing is that I write/read/hear German all day long. My inquiries come in via fax, email and voicemail, so I actually transcribe messages in German. Reminds me of dictation in German class. :)

I also got my totally awesome painted ceramics back. They look incredible! Unfortunately, I can't post them until they are given as gifts, otherwise, that would ruin the surprise. :) But it was a lot of fun.

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekends!

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